I like the fact that no one reads this. I like the fact that I can say whatever the hell I want and not to worry about what I am saying, thinking, doing. WHATEVER will disappoint someone.. Im soo tired of worrying about disappointing people.
Anyways, so, Im now supposed to blog as part of my job...(on the product website of course) and Im not..lol Im here instead.
I hate the idea of blogging for work. I have do deal with the people that read it, so I have to obviously watch what I say. Which, why the point of having a blog.. I really dont have anything to say that customers need to read. Except for maybe just my aggravation at them! :) lol
So, Im procrastinating. Trying to think up things to talk about in that blog. Its actually been causing me stress lately..but eh gotta do it.
So college life.. 33 years old..and in college again..in remedial classes no less..(math).
So, Im taking basic math concepts basically.. and I still find this shit not worth the time to learn.. I mean REALLY?!?!?
I think its just a waste of time actually. I think that math should be taught on a livable level. And all math above that should be learned voluntarily. Required math should be ...how to do your taxes..budget, checkbook, bills, shit like that....this other shit...geometry..calculus...trig...what the hell.. Im NEVER going to use it in the levels that are being required to learn now.
Blah, so anyways, Im off my soapbox about math....still a shitty subject. Had my midterm today.. Im HOPING for a B. We'll see.
So yeah, I guess Im done talking about nothing...
Still have no idea what Im going to blog in my work blog..