Friday, September 21, 2012

I firmly believe..

That my generation is killing the values that we once had. So much has changed since from our parents generation. Its harder to find people in my age group with real values anymore.

Everyone has sold out. Everyone has jumped on the bandwagon and become greedy. Everyone is holding out their hands..but giving noting in return..

Our social skills are declining. In our parents generation, people went OUT and did things..and mingled with other people face to face.

Our generation.. well now all you have to have is access to the internet.

No one watches out for anyone else anymore. All we care about is ourselves.

It saddens me.. soo utterly saddens me that this is what we've become..and we are teaching the next generation.

I believe that my soul is in the wrong generation.. Ive been called a hippie more times then I can count.. not by looks..but by my viewpoint on things.

I refuse society...why..because you are all sheep. You follow the herd.. you dont question it when things are going against your rights.. you sit back and take it.. why??!? because you have been made to believe that is how you have to be.

Why is everyone trying to be like everyone else? I dont mean by looks.. I mean by making your OWN opinion.. rather then jumping on the side with the most people.

Thats another thing..the FEAR you all have of being rejected by.. ..heres the fun part... EACH OTHER..

I mean really.. you conform to be more likeable by certain people. If you dont share their viewpoints.. you will never say it outloud..instead you will bury it down deep..and just agree with their side. And you keep doing it until you believe it yourself.


im done for now.. I need to sleep.

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