Thursday, August 16, 2012


I can blog from anywhere and everywhere...haha

I feel like I should have been angry villain saying that.

Soooooo....I made my hair look like fire today. Well maybe I didn't do it...but I paid someone else to.
She cut a lot off though. It's much shorter then I would have liked. But I do have to say that she did a great job and I do love my hair. Especially the colors.

Taking 2 trips this week.. I'm really looking forward to spending some alone time with my boyfriend.

I'm about to go get a new tattoo. Really excited!!! It's going to be of tank girl. Maybe ill blog tonight after its done and post a pic!

Hmmm..I had an interview..thinking it went well.  Hoping to hear good news by Monday.

The forest is really thick right now. Which is fantastic. Thick forests are always great to get lost in!

So ok...I'm going to go get ready for my tatt appt...

Tatts and forest,

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