Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hey Howdy Hey!

Im in a wicked good mood tonight. Except for the stupid shock pain that runs through my right ear.. Im doin pretty fantastic :D

So lets see... worked today... it went fine.. didnt make any messes today! lol

Boomer is at the foot of bed, drooling and purring :)

Im almost to season 3 on Family Guy..

I join band wagons waayy after they start. I didnt get into Harry Potter until like right before book 5 came out.

Blarghy Ive reached the end of the forest! psh


so yeah

lets see.. Im off for the next 3 days.. I was (and still am) hoping that a certain something would arrive by these days could be really productive. And I really really need it too..but.. it has yet to arrive..

My ear is really starting to bug me.

Its 3:30am! why the fuck am I still awake? and blogging no less..

Yeah, I try not to cuss to much in here..but then I thought..well hey..this is MY blog..where I can write about whatever I want to. :D so... there :P nernernerner

Im starting to get sleepy now..but its like..I dont want to go to a little kid or Im grown up enough to know that Im not missing out on anything by going to sleep.. lol

Alrighty, I will end the misery of reading my random

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